Designer Darcy
Darcy is a fantastic designer who is able to express complex data tables and help people visualize complex ideas very easily. They are a terrific story teller and are able to do so with a combination of images, text, and even videos.
They feel that they can do their best work outside in the sun. They do all they can to shade their screen, but often there just isn't enough contrast. Darcy needs the ability to shift to high contrast or dark mode to be able to see better in different conditions.
Goals Anchor link
- Finding tools and techniques that would help them implement more inclusive designs
- Understanding when and where accessibility checkpoints fit in the design process
Needs Anchor link
- Ability to control the contrast of the website on their laptop.
- Resources for testing with people with disabilities
- Understanding how to include video/motion in designs in an accessible way
Thoughts Anchor link
- Do my designs pass the checklist to meet accessibility standards?
Feelings Anchor link
- Worries the site's lack of visibility in the sun will force me to go back inside to complete my task
Behaviors Anchor link
- Evaluating designs for accessibility through online checklists
Pain points Anchor link
- Information architecture that doesn't allow them to find what they are looking for